[sociallocker]Welcome to the Snazzy Gallery! Note, not all events are posted online depending on client preferences and packages. If your gallery requires a password please ask your event host. We hope you enjoy the photos! :-)
Abbie and Nikk (coming soon) | 10-1-2021 | Saginaw, Michigan |
Homecoming Dance | 9-25-2021 | Saginaw, Michigan |
Lili's Quinceañera | 7-16-2021 | Bay City, Michigan |
School Prom | 5-27-2021 | Bay City, Michigan |
Brooke and Frank | 10-19-2021 | Freeland, Michigan |
Lesley and Chad | 6-9-2018 | Standish, Michigan |
Vivianna's Quinceañera | 6-9-2018 | Bay City, Michigan |
Kaity and JJ | 5-5-2018 | Frankenmuth, Michigan |
Leslie and Corey | 4-21-2018 | Frankenmuth, Michigan |
Holiday Party | 12-8-2017 | Bay City, Michigan |
Private event | 12-9-2017 | Saginaw, Michigan |
Private event | 12-2-2017 | Flint, Michigan |
Nikki and Todd | 11-4-2017 | Clio, Michigan |
Private event | 10-7-2017 | Saginaw, Michigan |
Private event | 10-14-2017 | Bay City, Michigan |
Private event | 10-21-2017 | Flint, Michigan |
Private event | 10-28-2017 | Mt. Pleasant |
School Event | 9-30-2017 | Alma, Michigan |
Shauna and Keith | 9-30-2017 | Clare, Michigan |
Emilee and Luke | 9-9-2017 | Freeland, Michigan |
School Event | 8-27-2017 | Alma, Michigan |
Laura and Ken | 8-26-2017 | Linwood, Michigan |
Private event | 8-19-2017 | Bay City, Michigan |
Amanda and Jason | 8-19-2017 | Flint, Michigan |
Taylor's Open House | 7-30-2017 | Fenton, Michigan |
Alicia and Kurt | 7-29-2017 | Ubly, Michigan |
Rocio Isabel's Quinceañera | 7-29-2017 | Bay City, Michigan |
Nancy and Matt | 6-24-2017 | Bad Axe, Michigan |
Ellie's Open House | 6-18-2017 | Freeland, Michigan |
School Prom | 5-6-2017 | Frankenmuth, Michigan |
School Prom (Coming soon) | 5-6-2017 | Mount Pleasant, Michigan |
Anniversary Party | 3-25-2017 | Midland, Michigan |
Private Party | 3-11-2017 | Midland, Michigan |
Rebeca and David (private) | 1-21-2017 | Bay City, Michigan |
Ashli and Simeon | 12-17-2016 | Midland, Michigan |
Company Party (private) | 12-9-2016 | Bay City, Michigan |
Nicole and Nick | 12-3-2016 | Saginaw, Michigan |
Company Party (private) | 12-3-2016 | Bridgeport, Michigan |
Birthday Celebration (private) | 10-1-2016 | Freeland, Michigan |
Larissa and Omar | 8-27-2016 | Saginaw, Michigan |
Jonelle and Bryan | 8-20-2016 | Midland, Michigan |
Kari and Cory | 8-6-2016 | Saginaw, Michigan |
Cheyenne and Anthony | 8-5-2016 | Flushing, Michigan |
Izzy's Quinceanera | 7-16-2016 | Midland, Michigan |
Patrick and Kaye | 6-18-2016 | Bay City, Michigan |
Autumn's Graduation | 6-12-2016 | Essexville, Michigan |
Riley's Graduation | 6-11-2016 | Bay City, Michigan |
Mandy and Nathan | 6-4-2016 | Bad Axe, Michigan |
School Event (private) | 5-21-2016 | Saginaw, Michigan |
School Event (private) | 5-7-2016 | Ruth, Michigan |
School Event (private) | 4-24-2016 | Frankenmuth, Michigan |
School Event (private) | 4-23-2016 | Frankenmuth, Michigan |
Company Event (private) | 12-12-2015 | Bridgeport, Michigan |
Company Event (private) | 12-11-2015 | Bay City, Michigan |
Sommer's Birthday Party | 11-7-2015 | Bay City, Michigan |
Brenna and Adam | 11-6-2015 | Bay City, Michigan |
Kelsey and Steve | 10-17-2015 | Barrister, Michigan |
Jamie and Manny | 10-10-2015 | Mount Pleasant, Michigan |
Lauren and Leif | 9-19-2015 | Midland, Michigan |
Stacey and Tyler | 8-22-2015 | Saginaw, Michigan |
Heather and Lance | 8-1-2015 | Midland, Michigan |
Kelly and Ben | 7-31-2015 | Midland, Michigan |
Amanda and Cody | 7-25-2015 | Flushing, Michigan |
Crockett Birthday Celebration | 7-19-2015 | Birch Run. Michigan |
C.J.'s Open House | 7-18-2015 | Fenton, Michigan |
Private Event - Midland Museum | 7-16-2015 | Midland, Michigan |
Larry and Kristi | 7-11-2015 | Midland, Michigan |
Emily's Open House | 7-11-2015 | Flint, Michigan |
Andrea and Clark | 6-27-2015 | Flint, Michigan |
Chris and Cassie | 6-13-2015 | Saginaw, Michigan |
Mazen's Graduation | 6-13-2015 | Midland, Michigan |
Alexis' Open House | 6-7-2015 | Saginaw, Michigan |
GHS Party | 5-31-2015 | Saginaw, Michigan |
Quinceanera Party | 5-16-2015 | Saginaw, Michigan |
School Prom | 5-2-2015 | Alma, Michigan |
School Graduation Event | 3-31-2015 | Alma, Michigan |
Company Holiday Party | 12-12-2014 | Bay City, Michigan |
Lucky and Sharon | 11-15-2014 | Essexville, MIchigan |
UAW Unity Party | 11-01-2014 | Saginaw, Michigan |
MHS Class Reunion | 10-25-2014 | Midland, Michigan |
FBMI Halloween Party | 10-18-2014 | Flint, Michigan |
Chelsea and Chasen | 10-04-2014 | Saginaw, Michigan |
Private Event - Center Courts | 10-01-2014 | Saginaw, Michigan |
Angela and Paul | 9-20-2014 | Ubly, Michigan |
Leslie and Tom | 9-20-2014 | Saginaw, Michigan |
Chelsie and Paul | 9-06-2014 | Chesaning, Michigan |
Priscilla and Louis | 9-06-2014 | Saginaw, Michigan |
Nicole and Menton | 8-30-2014 | Linden, Michigan |
Bobbie and Brian | 8-23-2014 | Birch Run, Michigan |
Joni and Jim | 8-16-2014 | Howell, Michigan |
Jodie's Birthday | 8-16-2014 | Flint, Michigan |
Emily and Chad | 8-01-2014 | Bay City, Michigan |
Itzel's Quinceanera | 7-26-2014 | Bay City, Michigan |
Kelly and Henry | 7-12-2014 | Attica. Michigan |
Bernie and Sheri | 6-07-2014 | Oxford, Michigan |
Holly and Richard | 5-24-2014 | Kawkawlin, Michigan |
Brieanna's Birthday | 5-23-2014 | Midland, Michigan |
Company Event | 5-11-2014 | Flint, Michigan |
* Use the “next” link on right for more events.
= password protected. Password can be found on strip (front or back) or provided to event host.
Additional photos found at our Facebook page.
Thanks for visiting Snazzy Photo Booth. See you soon![/sociallocker]